Calendars are essential tools that help to keep track of time. They have been used for thousands of years, and many different calendars are used today. Some examples include the Gregorian calendar, Julian calendar, solar calendar, lunar calendar, etc. Printable March To August 2025 Calendar is a user-friendly template that can efficiently to used for scheduling and commitment purposes.
It has enough space you can add stuff. March-August 2025 Calendar Template is fully loaded; you don’t have to make the extra effort. You can print it and share it with multiple people living under one roof with different work schedules or responsibilities.
March To August 2025 Calendar
It is challenging to survive in a world without a calendar. Whether you are an individual, student, or organization, calendars are essential to your daily work. Different types of Blank March to August 2025 Calendar are available on this site, which you can use to manage time and day efficiently.
Today’s most famous calendar template is the wall-mounted desk calendar, which can be seen almost everywhere in offices and classrooms. The 2025 March to August Calendar is a versatile template you can use in any way your choice. Moreover, it is entirely free of cost. Without paying even a single penny, you can download or print.

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More Calendars:
- Free Floral March 2025 Calendar
- March April 2025 Calendar
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- March to June 2025 Calendar

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History from March to August
In the early Roman calendar, March was the first month of the calendar year. As March brought the first day of spring with the vernal equinox, it started new beginnings. Ancient Romans celebrated the month of March in honor of Mars, their god of war. The name comes from Latin Martius, meaning “of/belonging to Mars.” Calendar March to August 2025 is the best tool to keep track of dates and set plans.
“April” comes from a Latin word meaning “to open.” That’s because springtime opens up new things, like flowers, trees, birds, singing, etc. The month was named after the Roman goddess Aphrodite, associated with love, beauty, and fertility.
The name “May” comes from the Saxon goddess Maia who was usually associated with fertility and motherhood. She was one of nine sisters, the ‘Parcae’ or Fates. The month of May is significant in the cultures and traditions of many countries. It is a time to celebrate life, new beginnings, beauty, and youthfulness.
The month of June is named after Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage. This month is celebrated as a time for love, weddings, and happy beginnings with family. Juno’s symbol is a peacock because, in ancient Rome, the peacock represented beauty and immortality.
July is the seventh month in the Gregorian calendar. It was initially called Quintilis or Quinctilis (fifth) when the Romans used it for its fifth month, but it got renamed July in honor of Julius Caesar. The Roman Calendar was based on the Egyptian system they acquired when conquering Egypt in 30 BCE.
August is the eighth month of the year. It was named after Augustus, the first emperor of Rome. The Roman calendar had only ten months, and August is known as Sextilis as it was on six positions among ten months. In the ancient world, calendars were based on the moon’s cycles. But as civilizations developed and grew, they needed a more accurate way to keep time.
How to Print the March To August Calendar
Printing a calendar on paper is easy to keep track of your daily, weekly, or monthly schedule. This process can be done in just minutes by following simple steps. Find the suitable calendar template and the best printer to print both colorful and austere. A massive collection of Free March to August 2025 Calendar PDFs is available on this site. Select the best one for you that fulfill your need and taste. If you find anyone downloading and click right, you will get a lot of options. Hit the print option, and follow the procedure like page orientation, length, breadth, etc. After printing March to August Calendar 2025, excess trim paper from each side of the printed page looks professional.
Holidays from March to August
Holidays are a time of year that is important for many people. It’s the one day you can return to your childhood home or spend time with family members who may be far away from where you live now. It’s hard to plan six-month holidays simultaneously, but we have made it easier by providing a six-month holiday calendar from March to August 2025 Calendar With Holidays.
St. David’s Day
St. David’s Day is celebrated on March 1 every year, marking the end of winter in Wales. It is a Christian festival celebrating St. David, born in 500 AD near Cardiff.
St. Patrick’s Day
It is a religious festival commemorating Saint Patrick, born around 387 CE in Britain. Irish immigrants first introduced the day to North America in the 1840s to remember their homeland while they lived abroad.
Good Friday
The day before Easter Sunday is called Good Friday. It is a religious holiday commemorating Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and his death. It’s also known in some countries as Holy Friday or Black Friday.
Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday is a day of reflection on the Passion and Death of Christ. It is part of Holy Week, which ends with Easter Sunday. People do many customs during Holy Saturday, such as fasting or attending Mass. This year it falls on Saturday, April 8.
Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is a holiday celebrated on the second Sunday of May. It is typically observed by giving one’s mother flowers, cards, and gifts. May 8 is the special day you can do unique things for your mother.
Memorial Day
This year, Memorial Day falls on the last Monday of May, May 29. This day is a day to honor those who died while serving in the military. And for all Americans to remember the price of freedom.
June 19, 1865, marked the end of slavery in America. That day is now celebrated as Juneteenth to commemorate the abolition of slavery. And remember those who were enslaved people before this historic date.
Father’s Day
Father’s Day has been celebrated in the United States since 1910. It is an annual observance on the third Sunday of June, mainly organized by fatherhood groups and other organizations to honor fathers and promote family togetherness.
Independence Day
Independence Day is the day to celebrate United States’ independence from Great Britain. It takes place on July 4, celebrating all of the freedoms we enjoy in America, including freedom of religion, speech, and freedom to bear arms.
Pioneer Day
Pioneer Day is a significant holiday in Utah. It celebrates the arrival of the pioneers in Salt Lake City on July 24, 1847. The first group of pioneers arrived from Nauvoo, Illinois, and walked through America until they reached Salt Lake City.
Purple Heart Day
Purple Heart Day is a day of remembrance for military personnel injured or killed in combat. Purple hearts are awarded to those wounded or killed while serving on behalf of the United States Armed Forces. Every Year Purple Heart Day is celebrated on August 7.
Women’s Equality Day
August 26 is the anniversary of an act that granted women the right to vote. This date is now celebrated as Women’s Equality Day. It is the day for women to recognize how far they have come in society and reflect on what needs to be done for gender equality.
Horoscopy of March to August in Decisions Making
Zodiac Signs
The zodiac sign of March is Pisces and Aries. March(1-20) has Pisces, and March (21-31) has Aries Zodiac sign. Pisces is a fire sign about taking charge and making things happen, while Aries is an air sign known for sensitivity and empathy. March through August 2025 Calendar has a lot of space to write traits of being born in the March zodiac sign.
People born in April have two zodiac signs, Aries and Taurus. April (1-20) comes under Aries, and April (21-30) comes under Taurus. Aries is very impulsive and competitive, while Taurus is known for being more patient. Aries are naturally dominant, while Taurus tends to be submissive.
May have two zodiac signs, Taurus and Gemini. May(1-21) has Taurus, and May (22 -31) has Gemini zodiac sign. Taurus individuals are said to be stubborn, sensual, reliable, patient, practical, and stable. They’re also known for being very affectionate with their loved ones. Gemini are known for their quick wit, intelligence, communication skills, and adaptability to change.
The zodiac sign of June is Gemini and Cancer. June (1-21) has Gemini, and June (22 -30) has Cancer Zodiac sign. Gemini will always think about all their options before making decisions, making them seem indecisive sometimes. Cancers are deep thinkers who care about making connections with others on an emotional level.
People born in July have two zodiac signs, Cancer and Leo. July (1-22) comes under Cancer, and from July (23 -31) comes under Leo. Cancer is one of the most emotionally sensitive zodiac signs, and one loves to nurture those around one. Leo has a “lion’s heart” as they’re courageous regarding life decisions.
August has two zodiac signs, Leo and Virgo. August (1-22) has Leo, and August (23 -31) has Virgo’s zodiac sign. Leos can sometimes find themselves in relationships that don’t work out because they need someone who will give them the same level of attention as they do for others. The Virgo zodiac sign is the most critical of all characters. People who come under this sign are perfectionists, always wanting to do things right and better than before.
Aquamarine is the March birthstone that’s typically associated with purity. It is light blue and can also be found in shades of green, yellow, brown, pink, and purple.
The April birthstone is a diamond. Diamonds are the hardest natural substance on earth. The name of this gem comes from the Greek word “adamas,” meaning unconquerable or indestructible.
Emerald is the May birthstone representing nature, love, growth, and renewal. The stone’s color varies from light to dark green but is generally more pastel than other varieties of gemstones that are not classified as semiprecious or precious stones.
Pearl and Alexandrite are the birthstone of June that has different meanings. Pearl represents love and hope, while Alexandrite represents wisdom and peace.
Ruby is a birthstone for those born in July. It has been known as the stone of love and joy, so it’s no surprise that it’s one of the most popular choices for jewelry.
Peridot, the birthstone for August, is associated with peace and serenity. The stone has a rich green color that brings these qualities into your life to help you feel calm and secure.
Birth flower
The daffodil is a beautiful March birth flower that symbolizes new beginnings and hope. It also represents friendship, hope, and innocence. The Romans believed this flower was a gift from the gods to make people happy.
April is the month of flowers, and daisies are among the most popular. Daisies symbolize innocence, purity, happiness, or rebound love. Having at least one bouquet of daisies in any garden is usually a good idea for their beautiful appearance and significance.
May’s birth flower, the Lily of the Valley, symbolizes innocence and purity. They think they can ward off evil spirits with their sweet fragrance. The flowers grow in broad patches on sunny hillsides and represent springtime’s abundance of new life.
Rose and honeysuckle is the June birth flower. The common belief was that if you were feeling down or sad, smelling the sweet fragrance from these plants would make you feel better instantly because they represent what life should be about: beauty and joy.
July is a month for the two most popular flowers that represent it, larkspur and water lily. Larkspur flowers are often red or white and symbolize innocence, purity, nobility, and gentleness. Water Lily has been used to signify spiritual enlightenment because it can grow with water from all directions.
Gladiolus and Poppy are August’s birth flowers. Gladiolus, or sword lily, is commonly given at funerals because it symbolizes strength and courage. World War I Veterans traditionally wore the poppy flower with post-traumatic stress disorder to remind others that they are not alone in pain.
Different calendars are available on this site, allowing you to handle multiple tasks efficiently. With the help of a 6-month Calendar from March to August 2025, you can plan and celebrate holidays differently. If you need clarification on your zodiac sign or which birthstone best suits your personality.
After reading the above, we are sure that you can remember the zodiac sign of your birth month and your friends and family members. Thanks for coming to this site. Please download Calendar 2025 March to August and share it with your friends and relatives through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.