Hello everyone, how are you all? We hope everything is going well. You all know that a calendar is a beneficial tool. It not only provides an overview of your schedule but also helps you to manage your time. September 2025 through February 2026 Calendar can help you plan and prepare for upcoming events, appointments, meetings, or vacations.
It is a well-designed Calendar template with spaces for recurring events every day. You have to include all the essential information in the event–such as date and time–so everything is clear about when something happens. We recommend you download September 2025 to February 2026 Calendar Template in the Landscape format because it is the most widely used.
September 2025 To February 2026 Calendar
Time management is critical to a successful life. The daily routine, school and work schedule, housework, fitness regime – all these things can be stressful if not managed correctly. That’s why we created the perfect calendar for you. With this easy-to-use Printable calendar, you’ll have everything under control quickly. All your schedules and activities are on one page, so it’s easy to see what needs doing when and how long each task will take.
Plus, there’s a reminder feature, so you don’t forget anything important. Calendars come in many formats; some are paper-based, while others are electronic and online versions like Word and Excel. The choice depends on the individual and their preference for which design of Blank September 2025 to February 2026 Calendar they want to take.

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More Calendars:
- Free Floral September 2025 Calendar
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History of Six Months September To February
September is the seventh month of the year in the ancient Roman Calendar, and his name comes from the Latin word Septem which means seven. It is also known as a fiery month because it is dedicated to Vulcan, the god of fire and metalwork, son of Jupiter and Juno.
September became the ninth month when the Roman senate changed the calendar in 153 BCE. Calendar September 2025 to February 2026 is a six-month calendar that will help you understand the history of many months together. You don’t need to take the Calendar template for every month.
In the Roman calendar, October was the eighth month of the year and had 31 days. After reform was made in the calendar in 154 BCE, making January the first month of the year, October became the ten-month. The word October comes from the Latin word Octo which means eight.
November is the ninth month of the year in the old Roman Calendar. The name comes from the Latin word “Novem,” meaning nine since it was traditionally the ninth month of a ten-month year. November had initially 29 days, but after reform made by Julius Caesar in the Julian calendar, it had expanded to 30 days.
Originally, December was the ten-month Roman Calendar and had only 30 days. After a few years, it was shortened to 29 days when January and February were added to the calendar around 700 BCE. When Julius Caesar reformed the Julian calendar, two more days were added to December, 31 days long.
January is the first month of the year and has 31 days. January was named after Janus, the Roman god of doorways and beginnings, who looks both ways as he opens one door to let in another. In the earlier Roman Calendar, January was not included. At that time, March was the first month of the year.
February is the shortest month of the year but is also one of the most memorable. The Romans call it Februarius. It was named after Februa, a festival that marked the end of winter and the opening of spring. When the Roman Calendar was first created, it was a simple lunar-based system. This system remained in place for centuries until Julius Caesar reformed it and introduced a new form called the Julian calendar.
How to print the September To February Calendar
You’ve come to the right place if you want to use a paper calendar this year. This is a step-by-step guide on printing calendars in paper format for all 12 months. The first step is to the 2025 September to 2026 February Calendar from our website and opens it on your computer or mobile device.
Printing doesn’t need an internet connection. Make ready your printer with page. Click right on the calendar template. Within a second, you will get the hard copy of the Printable September 2025 To February 2026 Calendar.
Holidays from September To February
Holidays are a great time to enjoy the company of friends and family. They are also a time to relax and reflect on what we’re grateful for. This September 2025 to February 2026 Calendar With Holidays is a six-month holiday calendar. Take it and make plans for many months of holidays together.
Labor Day
Labor Day is a national holiday in the United States that celebrates workers’ and organized and unorganized labor’s social and economic achievements. It is annually celebrated on the first Monday of September.
Patriot Day
On September 11, the U.S.A. experienced one of the most horrific terrorist attacks in history. United States people remember that day as Patriot Day for all those lives lost and how it changed our country and shaped us as individuals.
Columbus Day
Columbus Day is a public holiday celebrated in the United States on the second Monday of October. It commemorates Christopher Columbus’s discovery of America in 1492.
Halloween is celebrated on October 31 every year. Halloween (or Hallowe’en) comes from an old Irish word, “All Hallows Eve.” On this night, people would honor the saints and martyrs who died in Ireland by lighting bonfires, wearing costumes, and telling scary stories.
Veterans Day
Veterans Day is a day of remembrance to honor all the brave men and women who served in our armed forces. It’s important to remember that we cannot forget those who sacrificed for our country, even if it was long ago.
Thanksgiving Day
Every year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday in November. The tradition was started by colonists who wanted to thank a bountiful harvest. And this has been kept alive ever since.
Christmas Day
Christmas Day is a Christian holiday celebrated every year on December 25. It is a time to remember the birth of Jesus Christ and celebrate with family, friends, and loved ones.
Saint Nicholas Day
Saint Nicholas Day is celebrated annually on December 6. It is celebrated the life of Saint Nicholas. He was a bishop who lived in Greece and Turkey during the fourth century. According to legend, he would give gifts to children as they were poor.
New year Day
January 1 is the first day of the year, a time to start fresh. It’s an opportunity to make amends with people you’ve wronged or forgive those who wronged you.
Martin Luther King Jr Day
It is observed every year on the third Monday of January to commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an American minister, and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement.
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love. On this day, people usually present cards to their loved ones. Apart from cards, you can give flowers, chocolates, and other gifts.
President’s Day
President’s Day is a federal holiday in the United States. It honors George Washington, who became our first president on April 30, 1789.
Today, we usually pay tribute to all presidents by saying gratitude and respect for their service and contributions to the nation.
Horoscope of September 2025 to February 2026 in Decisions Making
Zodiac Signs
September has two zodiac signs, Virgo and Libra. September (1 -22) has Virgo, and September (23 -30) has the Libra zodiac sign. Virgos make good friends because they’re easy-going, sensitive, and loyal companions who never harshly judge others’ opinions or ideas.
The zodiac sign Libra is a balanced, fair sign. Those born under this star are well-liked by others for their excellent sense of humor and ability to be diplomatic in all situations. Free September 2025 to February 2026 Calendar PDF can be a good gift option as you can edit and mention the recipient’s zodiac sign.
The zodiac sign of October is Libra and Scorpio. October (1-22) has Libra, and October (23-31) has the Scorpio Zodiac sign. Libra is the sign of balance. Scales represent this zodiac symbol, and its planet is Venus. Scorpios are moody, jealous, possessive, hypersensitive to criticism, and do anything to avoid being wrong or losing face.
In November, people born have two zodiac signs, Scorpio and Sagittarius. November (1-21) comes under Scorpio, and November (23 – 30) comes under Sagittarius. The Scorpio zodiac sign is a very passionate and intense individual. They are strong-willed, determined, and confident in their abilities to get things done. Sagittarians are known for being honest, outspoken, and optimistic.
December has two zodiac signs, Sagittarius and Capricorn. December (1-21) has Sagittarius, and December (23-31) has Sagittarius zodiac sign. People born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign have creativity, honesty, spontaneity, courage, and enthusiasm. Capricorns have excellent self-discipline, making them do what needs to be done to get the desired results.
The zodiac sign of January is Capricorn and Aquarius. January (1- 20) has Capricorn, and January (21- 31) has the Aquarius Zodiac sign. Capricorns have a talent for the organization to help you with your daily routine. The Aquarius personality is typically friendly, honest, funny, communicative, and creative.
In February, people born have two zodiac signs, Aquarius and Pisces. February (1-19) comes under Aquarius, and February ( 20-28) comes under Pisces. Aquarian is characterized as being independent, inventive, rebellious, and humanitarian. The Pisces’ emotions are often deep, which leads them to be very empathetic towards others.
September’s birthstone is the sapphire. This gemstone is typically blue but can also be pink or purple in color people have believed that sapphire symbolizes peace and wisdom. It has a calming effect on the spirit and helps with stress management.
Opal and tourmaline are both famous October birthstones. Opals have been known for their mystical powers and have a rainbow of colors that can be seen when light passes through them.
Citrine and Topaz are the November birthstones. Citrine is a yellow-to-orange variety of quartz, while Topaz is a silicate mineral with many colors.
Tanzanite is the December birthstone for those born in December. It is a blue-purple gem that ranges from light to dark in color and is an attractive bluestone.
Garnet is a deep red gemstone used as a symbol of love and compassion since the Middle Ages. This stone was named “garnet” because it resembles pomegranate seeds.
February is a month full of love and romance. It’s the perfect time to give your significant other something special, like Amethyst and Jasper’s beautiful stone. These stones provide balance by stimulating inner strength and promoting wisdom.
Birth flower
The Aster and Morning Glory are September birth flowers. Asters have five petals that form a star shape. The morning glory has three large, spiraling, trumpet-shaped blooms on long stems.
October is a month that bestows us with the birthstones of Marigold and Cosmos. The symbolism for these two gems has different meanings, but they are beautiful and meaningful.
Chrysanthemums are a popular flower for November because it is the last month of fall. This flower is in many colors, but yellow is the most common.
Holly is the birth flower for December. The holly plant has been known to symbolize love, joy, and peace. People believed the holly tree would ward off evil spirits in ancient times.
Carnations and snowdrops are the January birth flowers. The flowers symbolize cheerfulness, innocence, purity of heart, and generosity. Snowdrop is a delicate white flower often used to accent other flowers in a bouquet.
Violet and primrose is the February birth flower. The violet was one of the first plants that bloomed in early winter, so it became associated with February.
We all have a lot going on, but it’s important to remember that there is more than just the present. People often need to be made aware of how many things they should be looking forward to and what their future holds. The daily routine can get monotonous and stressful without some guidance or organization. We’ve created a six-monthly Calendar from September 2025 to February 2026 with holidays, zodiac signs, birthstones, and flowers to take advantage of any special dates this season.
It also includes tips based on your personality type, which will help guide you through the best time to start planning for projects like vacations or new ventures such as creating a business. Thanks for visiting this site. Please share Calendar 2025 September to 2026 February with your friends and relatives via social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.